
Monday, September 14, 2015

Black Mass

This is the true story of South Boston gangster James "Whitey" Bulger's (Johnny Depp) strange alliance with the FBI. Whitey rationalizes feeding old neighborhood buddy & now FBI agent (Joel Edgerton) information to eliminate his Mafia competitors is not being a rat. Depp does another amazing character transformation as this brutally cruel & creepy psychotic crime boss out to eliminate anyone standing in his way. The supporting cast (Benedict Cumberbatch, Dakota Johnson, Kevin Bacon, Peter Saarsgaard, & Jullianne Nicholson) also turn in terrific performances. But brace yourself for some violently brutal images depicting Whitey's cold hearted evil nature. This film may not be for you if you don't enjoy films featuring unsympathetic characters. Look for some real crime scene & surveillance photos and  a where-are-they-now recap a the film's end.

Alien gives it 2 ½ "Winter Hill Gang" stars out of 4.

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